What is PhCodes?

PhCodes, in association with La Katuna, is an international brand that was founded in 2019, with the objective of promoting scalable software development.
Our company is formed by talented product consultants, software developers & engineers, united to give the best technological experience regarding Artificial Intelligence, Outsourcing Services, App Developing, and much more. 

Our goal is to contribute to make a productive and developed society, by solving complex problems and creating products of excellent quality and innovation, in order to give our clients the best services.

PhCodes has clients all over the world. In Europe, in countries such as Italy, Spain, Switzerland, etc., we’ve been involved in big projects. In Asia we provide advisory to the largest E-commerce companies located in Taiwan. And in South America, in Ecuador, one of our biggest strenghts is our Accounting Systems. Our international experience has earned us a large amount of expertise, which has allowed us to stand out in the technology market for our quality, velocity, vanguard, and customer support.

What does PhCodes do?

We produce quality and scalable products aiming to contain production costs. To succeed in this goal, we have developed different types of software architectures and code libraries in order not to always start from scratch to make our implementations.

Our values


By being clear about our goals and motivations, we build a trustful relation with our clients.
We promise you that the development of your project will be the best.


Our integrity is our hallmark. We always provide you with honest solutions, based on your needs. Working transparently.


We are very passionate about our work. For this reason, our operations aim to provide you the highest quality advisory and products.

Teamwork & Collaboration

By empowering talented individuals in our team, we make the best decisions and offer you excellent products that are direct results from our work together.


We constantly evaluate our systems and processes, with the main objective of the improvement of our services.


Communication is very important to
resolve any doubts about a task, and for that we offer ongoing support to our clients.


Our team is carefully trained to have complete mastery in the latest technological trends in their competent areas. This, with the target to provide a correct technical support as consulting or development.
The programmers work as developers in areas such as Back-end, Front-end, Full Stack, and QA. Also, the team members have experience in consulting, investigation, research & development, robotic, big data, IOT, and artificial intelligence. Regarding the technological hierarchy, in our company, each member of the team is labeled according to their experience. Beginning from level “junior”, to “senior” considering their experience years.


PhCodes is an international company made up of a diverse group of collaborators from Italy, Taiwan, and Ecuador. In which four languages are spoken: Spanish, English, Italian, and Japanese. Each  department has its native workers, whom in addition of their mother tongue,  speak at an intermediate or expert level of one or two additional languages.
This is the average of each language spoken in our three departments


The only limits that exist are the ones in your own mind.