Teams of dreamers

At PhCodes Ec we strive to always give the best to our clients. We carefully select our team members, train them and constantly evaluate their acquired knowledge. We work in an agile development environment implementing the SCRUM methodology and we make sure that our collaborators have a good physical, social and interactive environment, thus ensuring a good working environment.



Software Architect

Hello! I’m Jose M., I’m 30 years old, I’m a Software Architect and I develop software solutions from the definition of the structure to the code standards to be implemented.
I lead teams in agile environments, guiding the correct implementation of technologies such as java, Vert.x, Akka-http, Quarkus, Springboot, Angular, Mysql, Mongo, I write test code with the frameworks Karate, Jasmine, Junit5 in TDD mode.


Amministratore Delegato - CEO

Hello! I am Cristian M, I am 33 years old, and I am CEO at PhCodes Ec. I direct, coordinate, and manage together with the leaders of all departments of the company the way forward to meet the proposed goals. I am in constant training with the different administrative bodies both public and private.


Talent Manager

Hello! My name is Javier G., I am 32 years old and I am responsible for Human Talent Management at PhCodes Ec. I specialize in the management of the different subsystems of human talent, focused on generating a good working environment and institutional development; I promote the personal growth and development of all who make up this great team.

I am in charge of enforcing legal regulations, to make PhCodes Ec. a great place to learn and work.


Backend developer

Hi! I’m Alexis E., I’m 26 years old and I’m a frontend developer at PhCodes Ec. I specialize in Angular, React, React Native, .NET; as well as Bootstrap, Angular Material, PrimeNG, SCSS, and SASS. My main task is the development of user interfaces for web applications.

I take care of the content layout, functionalities and all the visual elements with which the user interacts.


Frontend developer

Hi! I’m Denisse C., I’m 22 years old and I work as a frontend developer at PhCodes Ec. I’m specialized in Javascript, Angular, Typescript, C#, React. I’m also familiar with libraries like Bootstrap, Angular Material, PrimeNG and Primeflex.

My main role is the development of web interfaces, making the design intuitive and attractive to the user.

La mia funzione principale è lo sviluppo di interfacce web, rendere il design intuitivo e attraente per l’utente.


UI/UX - Graphic Designer

Hi! I’m Jaime Y., I’m 36 years old and I’m the graphic designer of Phcodes. I use illustrator, Phothoshop, zbrush, Elementor, Figma and WordPress I design the user interfaces of the programs we develop at Phcodes Ec.


In addition, I am the UX/UI designer of the company and I manage the corporate identity of the company.


IT- Graphic Designer

Hi! I’m Gabriela, I’m 25 years old and I work in the Graphic Design area sometimes.

I do research on the corporate image of the company. I manage the PhCodes website and help in the marketing area.



Hello! My name is Tatiana S., I am an Accounting Engineer and Auditor, Analyst and I am in charge of recording the accounting movements and operations that take place in the company, as well as preparing reports and balance sheets according to the generally accepted accounting principles in the country. In addition to the necessary activities that are required by the Manager and the Administration for the achievement of the company’s objectives.